When it comes to SMS marketing, few things are as on the cutting-edge. Once, getting your company's message to the people was a hard task which took an age to turn into sales. Now? It's a very different, and a simple Short-Code and Premium Rate SMS, as an 0845 alternative, works wonders. By utilising a few key strategies and ideas, any company can make itself known. The best thing about it is obvious: once you've set up all the technical stuff and got your mailing list sorted out, it's more or less instant!

Tip 1:
It's an exciting time, starting an SMS campaign, but don't let your desire to get started interfere with the rights of the people. A dedicated mailing list will work much better than thousands of Business SMS messages directed at anyone. Remember, it's your business at stake, and word of mouth can be damaging to any company – no matter what the budget. 

Tip 2:
Once you hook the reader, be sure to try and encourage them to opt-in to other promotions and deals you may have available. Another fine thing is competition...people love it, and if you have a mailing list of people who are ready and willing, SMS marketing just got a whole lot easier, right?

Tip 3:
Don't send out a boring, generic message: OK, so it's true that some people will delete your message, but what's more true is that a boring message is worse than anything. Make it dynamic, and be sure to include the benefits. SMS texting may be a relatively new bracket of marketing, but that doesn't mean you can break all the age-old marketing rules with your SMS Service.

Tip 4: 
Make the short code – for the recipient to reply – one that is memorable and easy to type with a regular QWERTY keyboard. Remember, you want to make this as easy and simple as possible.

Tip 5:
Be careful with humour in these messages. Sometimes, a straight-up simpleBusiness SMS is the best, as nobody can argue with that. Keep it basic, fun, lively and intriguing and you'll get no end of results! If you can leave the reader wanting more then that can only be a good thing, too.

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    My name is Jacky Williams. I was born in Los Angeles. TEXT REMINDERS SERVICE was my very first blog where I wrote about Marketing and business. I hope you enjoy this blog, it’s another extension of who I am outside of my work. I am first and foremost a story telling, now I also get to tell stories about TEXT REMINDERS SERVICE. 


    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013


    Group Texting
    Sms Marketing