Facebook can be an never-ending vacuum of time. How many hours do you spend mindlessly scrolling and stalking through your friends list?

If you’ve ever wondered how much you browse on the social network, a new service measures your daily, weekly and monthly use. TimeRabbit, created by Breakpoint Software Development, works as a stand-alone Windows application to monitor your Facebook usage.

The average user spends nearly seven hours on Facebook each month.
The average user spends nearly seven hours on Facebook each month. While there are other browser plug-ins that track your online habits, TimeRabbit works on your desktop and is compatible with all major web browsers.

When you log in to Facebook, the application automatically starts its timer. The timekeeper stops five seconds after you navigate away from the site and can detect when you’re idle. Users can also view lifetime statistics to see just how many hours of productivity have been whittled away.

Kuba Udymowski-Grecki, owner at Breakpoint, says TimeRabbit may be able to help users fight their Facebook addictions.

How much time do you spend on social networks? Would you use TimeRabbit? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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    My name is Jacky Williams. I was born in Los Angeles. TEXT REMINDERS SERVICE was my very first blog where I wrote about Marketing and business. I hope you enjoy this blog, it’s another extension of who I am outside of my work. I am first and foremost a story telling, now I also get to tell stories about TEXT REMINDERS SERVICE. 


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